- Occupy Wall Street protests, particularly what has come of it in Oakland (but I will say this: Although I do support the initial motives for the movement, I am cognizant of the reasons for police intervention (note: not inappropriately aggressive measures). Honestly, seeing the footage, and as acknowledged in the Times today, it looks like a lot of dirty white people, so it is very likely that camp areas have become health hazards and public nuisances, in terms of smells and nastiness.
- Last night's CBS Evening News '1 in 7 Billion' story on the typical person, who, as I predicted, was Han Chinese
- Last night's crazy World Series Game 6
- Post-election protests in Tunisia
"I suppose there are people who can pass up free guacamole, but they're either allergic to avocado or too joyless to live."— Frank Bruni
Friday, October 28, 2011
Important things that I should write about but don't want to (so feel free to enlighten and elaborate in the comments section if you so desire):
Not much to say this Friday, fashion-wise, except that I love the arrival of capes, particularly this rich-hued one from Zara.
They're so much more interesting and fun and loose than coats. You can pretend you have no arms and just low-slung hands. I say the 'arrival' of capes because 1) they're carried by mass retailers like Zara and 2) they've had a history of being perceived as a garment worn by weirdos.
(photo cred: Zara)
They're so much more interesting and fun and loose than coats. You can pretend you have no arms and just low-slung hands. I say the 'arrival' of capes because 1) they're carried by mass retailers like Zara and 2) they've had a history of being perceived as a garment worn by weirdos.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Folks, we're treated to another guest post by G today! Enjoy this week's List.
: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
It's an honor to bring you yet another guest post for LIST WEDNESDAY, coming to you a day late. My apologies.
7) THE WEDDING PLANNER - Not sure why I can't turn away from this not-particulary-good movie. As the author of this blog can attest, I must have a thing for Matthew McConaughey romantic comedies because I also enjoy "HOW TO LOSE A GUY IN 10 DAYS".
: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
It's an honor to bring you yet another guest post for LIST WEDNESDAY, coming to you a day late. My apologies.
We've all been stuck inside on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon and randomly flipping through the channels hoping to find something entertaining to watch. Assuming it's not football season, it's sometimes a pleasant surprise to land on a channel that is showing a movie you love that you haven't seen in a while. Thanks TNT, AMC, TBS and FX. With that being said, here are 7 movies that I just can't stop watching whenever I unexpecedly find them on TV (in no particular order, or INPO):
1) A FEW GOOD MEN - Star Power Galore: Cruise, Nicholson, Demi Moore, Keifer, Kevin Bacon, Cuba Gooding Jr., and Rob Reiner directing. Everyone remembers "You want the truth? You can't handle the TRUTH!" but how about "Oh I'm sorry, you were sick the day they taught law at law school". Reminds me of my days in law school.
2) MY COUSIN VINNY - A TBS Classic with so many funny moments and lines. "The two yutes", "Uh, What's a yute?" - "I wore this ridiculous thing for you" (when Vinny was forced to wear a ridiculous red tuxedo because the dry cleaner was closed) - Vinny, going from "What's a grit" to "I love grits too, do you like yours creamy or al dente?" Just a coincidence that this is a courtroom "drama" like "A Few Good Men."
3) SILENCE OF THE LAMBS - "Place the lotion in the f-ing basket!" Sir Anthony Hopkins is so creepy and so convincing and even though I've seen this movie at least 15 times, I can still feel the suspense build and am constantly entrigued by the interactions between Hannibal Lecter and Clarice Starling. When Clarice walks down the hall to Lecter's cell only to see him standing there smiling and waiting for her is genius filmmaking.
4) OLD SCHOOL - Another TBS Classic and my favorite moment among many includes a short cameo from Terry O'Quinn (Locke from LOST). Luke Wilson is talking with his boss (Locke) and Locke's daughter walks in. Earlier, Luke had hooked up with Locke's daughter and Locke says something along the lines of "It's amazing how fast they grow up, and to think in a few months she'll be graduating high school." Luke choking on his coffee always makes me chuckle.
5) NATIONAL LAMPOONS EUROPEAN VACATION - Whenever I hear Big Ben referenced, I will always think about Chevy Chase driving around in circles going nuts saying "Look kids, Big Ben, Parliament. I just can't get left."
6) JURASSIC PARK - The T-Rex breaking free from his pen and looking into the SUV where the kids were is classic Speilberg. Of course, as with so many Speilberg films, John Williams does the score and the music playing when everyone first sees the dinosaurs is sweeping and unforgettable.
Hope you enjoyed this "List Wednesday" list on Thursday.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
tasty bits
There are a few tasty bits to nibble on this Toothsome Tuesday. Let's begin with the joyful announcement that the McRib is back! Along with its 'quirky sense of humor,' it's weird spongy, boneless texture and pickles (!) make it the best transient LTO chain food item ever (except maybe the never ending pasta bowl at Olive Garden). I've had the link to this McRib locator map saved in my draft email box for 2 years now, so it's time to dust it off: Find your next McRib now!

(photo cred: David Paul Morris/Getty Images)
Next up: I missed Food Day yesterday and all of its events. Maybe next year.
Thirdly: Speaking of McRibs, I'd love to shove one in this man's mouth - Michael Pollan is going to be speaking at the Strathmore tomorrow night for over $30 a ticket. Who would pay that and why? If you just flipped through his annoying Food Rules book, you should realize that it's all common sense...but maybe I'm overestimating the actual proportion of people who were raised with high dietary standards in the home. It's sad that Pollan can just pen up a list of things you should have been taught as a child and make money off it, or maybe he's just smart and banking on his yipsterhipsterfoodiegroupies, knowing that this audience would pay for it. They would, after all, pay $100 to ride a horse at a diner pop-up 90's party (anyone else watch 2 Broke Girls?).
...but back to the idea of Food Rules - I'll give the man some credit for enlightening those who were unfortunately not taught by their parents how to eat nutritiously. I guess I am just lucky. I suppose one thing that bothers me about Pollan, and this is probably what bothers me about Alice Waters, is his preachiness. Pollan preaches against eating processed foods. Sure, unprocessed foods are preferable and more nutritious, but the reality is that they're not going away. They're convenient, often practical and affordable. So instead of telling people not to eat them, why can't he instead use his public and influential voice to support, say, the sodium reduction effort the FDA and USDA are mulling over? (yes, that was a shameless plug) Rather than badmouthing processed foods, why not support making them better?
So anyway, buying the book is bad but paying for a ticket to listen to Pollan preach for what an excellent meal would cost is worse, because if you're contemplating going to the Strathmore, you probably already know what he's going to say and agree with it anyway.
Fourthly: We finally went to Fast Gourmet last weekend and success! Even though I regretted what I ordered (check my Foodspotting roll for pics - I'm too embarrased to write what I ordered. Eddie Huang would poopoo my choice. My justification is that I had lots of meat the night before and was seeking something without meat, and buckled at the pressure of ordering in a hurry), I thoroughly enjoyed the huge fried yuca rods and the dipping sauces (we mixed the spicy green sauce from G's falafel with the pink mayo-based yuca sauce). I also really enjoyed the empanada (it had egg! and no raisins!), even though it was hella pricey for a small empanada. We plan to return to eat some of the more enticing, meaty items on the menu, but also leaving room for some stall food from the DC Marketplace across the street, since we'll probably go back on a weekend.
republicans + taxes
Published: October 25, 2011
Republicans talk of tax reform only when they can't get their way with straightforward tax cuts, an economist writes.
best wishes...
...are in order (and a bit overdue):
- to Tunisia: congratulations on your election (the first of the Arab Spring) and best wishes on your road to democracy.
- to Libya: best wishes on your new freedom from 42 years of regime rule. Although I agree with those who favored trying Colonel Gaddafi and having him pay for the horrific acts he committed, enjoy this moment of liberation. Good luck on your efforts to stabilizing and rebuilding your government and country.
Friday, October 21, 2011
(photo cred: Kate Spade)
Mah boo surprised me with this lovely bauble today. I've been {fashion blogger speak alert} crushing on it for years (or maybe just over a year now) and he remembered an emailed link I sent him 6-7 months ago (before the engagement - after that, I told him he shouldn't buy me anything for the next decade or so...but he still did). In case you can't see the inscription, it reads "TURN THE TABLES." So as I set up DJ Hero, I'll also be daydreaming about my next trip to my favorite borough, all while wearing my new favorite accessory..."'cuz I'll be rockin this party eight days a week."
WTF morons
For the second time in what, a week?, Senate Republicans shot down the president's jobs bill, which apparently was already chopped up and slimmed down. Not sure what they're looking for, but it doesn't seem to be to help their country or the voters who gave them a job. I can only hope that the GOP is shooting themselves in the foot right now and that voters remember this and kick their asses at the polls.
UPDATE: Per MoveOn, the bill didn't even get this far...it was filibustered, so an up/down vote didn't even happen.
UPDATE: Per MoveOn, the bill didn't even get this far...it was filibustered, so an up/down vote didn't even happen.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
clue: it weighs a ton
This week's List is superfun - it's a list of
(This looks like a really bad eBay photo, but it's not. I'm not selling my bag.)
This is my red Foley + Corinna mid city tote bought from a sample sale in the LES. I love its rich color and that you can wear it multiple ways, but it's pretty heavy even when empty. So what do I do? I stuff it with lots of stuff, of course.
... so here's ==THE STUFF THAT'S IN MY BAG==
- Kindle
- Government ID
- Sunglasses (from Target) in a Brooks Brothers case (from an old pair of glasses)
- Orbit gum
- Extra maxi pads (Always Infinity, if you must know)
- Black foldable reusable shopping bag (thanks, Ma - it's the best for unexpected shopping)
- White hankerchief (because every lovely lady should use one - thanks again, Ma)
- Ipod in a Totoro case (from HK) dirtied by a leaking pen (case courtesy of Ma too)
- Eos mint lip balm
- Green leather dual mirror from Crabtree & Evelyn (from Ma also)
- Black Muji mesh zip case of various cosmetic and toiletry items
- Coin purse from the National Native American Museum, which holds my Harris Teeter VIP shoppers card, my SmarTrip card and a few extra bucks (this serves as my giveaway wallet should I ever be held up...walking through DC at night makes you think of these things)
- Keys on keyring with a library of tiny club cards, library cards, etc..., keychains and rape whistle
- Hand sanitizer
- Forever-reliable DayMinder (model SK-48 - I dedicated a whole post on it here)
- Ro wallet from Century 21 years ago (original price $100, but I got it for $14.97!)
...and here's a more detailed look at what's in my Muji case (bonus list!):
- Shiseido blush
- Crabtree & Evelyn lip conditioner (Remedy line)
- Stila lip glaze in starfruit
- Mini hair clawclip
- GUM toothpicks
- Pill box in the shape of a bear's head
- Other items in the case include bandaids, floss, hair clips, hair ties, Bliss breath freshening mint lip balm
Hope you enjoyed that look into the intimate world that is my bag...plus, you got a bonus list! Score!
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Eater has unveiled the cover of the next issue of David Chang's quarterly food journal, Lucky Peach. If you haven't read the first issue yet, too bad (you're free to borrow my copy, which is currently on loan). It was all about ramen, and included a story about a trip Chang took to Japan (on somewhat of a ramen pilgrimage), one about Ivan Orkin and how he successfully opened a ramen shop in Tokyo, a piece by Anthony Bourdain, and recipes using instant ramen. Needless to say, I'm quite excited about this upcoming issue, due to drop around November 15, and am fortunate our pantry Harris Teeter (or as we call it, Harry Teets) carries it.
(photo cred: Eater)
...while we're on the subject of Michel Richard (see post below), just read on Eater that he's going to open up a meatball shop in Penn Quarter. It'd be interesting to see his interpretation of meatballs and how this does as a business. It would also be my first taste of Michel Richard anything if I don't get in to the Jacques Pepin lunch. I still haven't been to The Meatball Shop despite it being in the middle of my old stomping territory of below 14th St, but still want to and have heard good things. (I find it interesting that one of the co-owners worked at two Woo Lae Oak locations.) This also calls to mind the guy on America's Next Great Restaurant whose "Saucy Balls" concept lost, though maybe it should have won, given Soul Daddy's demise.
(photo cred: Sean K of The Meatball Shop meatballs/Yelp)
(photo cred: International Culinary Center/NPR)
I waited for Toothsome Tuesday to come around to post about this...I'm so excited, but won't get my hopes up. As reported by Eater, Jacques Pepin and Michel Richard will be cooking together on November 18 at Citronelle!!! ...and I've been put on the waiting list. Let's hope someone cancels. The menu will consist of dishes from Jacques Pepin's new cookbook, the reason for this occasion of dynamomasterFrenchchefs proportions.
...now where's that picture I have of me and him when we met at the National Book Fair in 2007? Would it be creepy if I brought it with me on the 18th and had him sign it?
Monday, October 17, 2011
...just trying out the web-based Garmin tools that can keep track of and analyze my runs. This is what I did yesterday. It was a bit slow (I had a case of heavy-legs) but was the best kind of run - exploratory. I found my way to a new walkway that was just constructed that overlooks the river, railroad tracks, and new soccer fields in what was previously dead land that we called "murder scene."
more sunday please
(photo cred: my awesome Sony Ericsson phone circa 2007)
...birthday jerky? Yes, birthday jerky. Because today is a day to commemorate the birth of someone the world could certainly use more of (I think I've written that in every one of his birthday cards) - Happy Birthday, G :)
Friday, October 14, 2011
(photo cred: Moda Operandi)
The Italian-made skirt shown above is made mostly of lambskin and costs $10,029, requires a $5,015 deposit, and won't arrive at your door until Feb-April 2012. Holy Missoni, I'm even more proud of my Missoni for Target purchases! Granted, my purchases were not made in Italy, are not exclusive, were not made with the same standard of quality, and are not made of lambskin, but I still get to enjoy the aesthetic characteristics of the Missoni brand nonetheless.
...meanwhile, there are others who are making lots of money off their Missoni for Target purchases, not surprisingly.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
So I posted a short post last week about how the Republicans are bashing the president's jobs bill, which was a pretty good segue into this week's Senate vote on the bill. Not surprisingly, Senate Republicans killed it. In my post, I was trying to be fair by not exactly saying the Republicans have no ideas of their own to counter the president's jobs bill. I was giving them the benefit of the doubt. Why did I even bother? I should have just said what I wanted to say (I'm sure by not doing so, I committed some sort of blogger crime, and am sorry). Here we go: Their spiel is fluff. That plan I linked to is hot air. Their flavor of the month, Herman Cain, is a joke of a candidate.
Published yesterday in the Times was this editorial on exactly my sentiments. I'm glad my initial thinking was correct and validated by the Times, but I'm also still steaming from the lack of progress our lawmakers are making. I hope Republican voters are paying attention and not holding the president responsible for this lack of progress. A recent poll (was it the NBC/WSJ one?) showed that a majority of Americans supported the president's jobs bill. Killing the bill was a political act that couldn't be more blatant. I can only imagine the frustration the president is feeling...forget Tiger Woods, I'd be slinging hot dogs at the Republicans right about now.
Published yesterday in the Times was this editorial on exactly my sentiments. I'm glad my initial thinking was correct and validated by the Times, but I'm also still steaming from the lack of progress our lawmakers are making. I hope Republican voters are paying attention and not holding the president responsible for this lack of progress. A recent poll (was it the NBC/WSJ one?) showed that a majority of Americans supported the president's jobs bill. Killing the bill was a political act that couldn't be more blatant. I can only imagine the frustration the president is feeling...forget Tiger Woods, I'd be slinging hot dogs at the Republicans right about now.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
public transportation etiquette for dummies
This week's List addresses some of the offenses I witness everyday on public transportation. As a current daily rider of the bus and train, and as a customer of public transportation in three major metropolitan areas since the age of 8 (many of my years using it daily), I consider myself a seasoned rider. So, yes, consider your source, because in this case, I know the subject well.
- Taking too long to board and de-board (includes not getting up from your seat until people are already boarding)
- What are you waiting for?
- Talking too loud on your phone
- Age-old problem in any public space
- Not de-boarding through the back door, especially when you are not close to the front door
- I don't think people realize that this could really speed things up. People can board the bus through the front door while you de-board out the back door.
- Not taking off your backpack or shoulder bag in a sardine-packed, super crowded train or bus
- This frees up a lot of space - a full backpack can take up as much room as an additional body. Plus, holding your bag or backpack rather than wearing it on your back or shoulder keeps your belongings secure and in your vision, or out of reach for pickpockets.
- Staring
- Even a 5-yr old knows not to stare (or they should know). Don't do it.
- Standing by the door when you have no intention of getting off at the next stop.
- You're in the way of someone actually de-boarding, or you're taking up room for someone who is actually planning on getting off at the next stop.
I know there are more, but I can't think of them right now. If you think of any, please post them in the comments. As for the items that are listed above, now you know - don't do them!
...just a thought...
(photo cred: Brian C. Frank/NYTimes)
This man is a competitive grower. Featured in the Times, he is part of a group of growers that dedicate their lives to their hobby of growing huge pumpkins. The current world record is 1,810 lbs. These babies (or giants?) are so big they can instantaneously combust under their own weight...yet due to their thick skin, they are inedible. Some of these growers are engineers in that they come up with breeding and grafting methods to achieve maximum growth, so why can't they apply their drive and knowledge to developing a huge pumpkin that's actually edible, then donate it to food banks?
Shake Shack + LTO Oktoberfest-inspired menu items = GO!
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
our adobo
It seems that everyone has the own version of adobo, their own idea of what should be in the adobo and how to cook it. It reminds me of how Peter Mayle describes a debate he witnesses of some French countrypeople arguing about whose way to prepare an omelette is the correct way, or Gabrielle Hamilton's description of how Italians due the same thing with their dishes. Last night we tried our hand at making chicken adobo for the first time. After having an excellent rendition by Tita Linda this weekend, we were reminded of all the great versions we've had (yours included, Ma) and all the bad versions, and were inspired to come up with a tasty version of our own.
Our ingredients were:
We removed the skin from the thighs and attempted to brown them in oil. For some reason, the chicken was taking a while to get brown. Then we added the aromatics (garlic, peppercorns, bay leaves, oregano, banana peppers) and let that all cook a little together before adding in the liquids (vinegar mix and soy sauce). Then we added our cubed and skinned potato. Some may say nay to putting potatoes in adobo ("Adobo doesn't have potatoes in it") but my mom puts potatoes in her adobo and it's fantastic. Both G and I enjoy potatoes in our adobo, so in went the lone potato. At first, we just cut and added 2 banana peppers into the mix, but we had 2 left, and thinking "what would we do with those anyway?" we added the other 2. Total preparation took about 15 minutes.
Everything simmered in the pot for about 40 minutes, thighs being flipped about twice in that time (like tanning!). The house smelled great and just like it should - like adobo. We then encountered the dilemma that seems to be common when cooking adobo - should we add more vinegar and soy sauce? We noticed there was barely enough liquid in the pot to keep everything simmering and were concerned that there wouldn't be any gravy for our rice. We thought about adding broth, but decided to go with more soy and vinegar (which we decided made the adobo a little too salty).
When the chicken was obviously cooked and the potato chunks were tender, and with our stomachs empty, we decided it was done and time to eat. Back to those 4 banana peppers - our adobo was spicy! The peppers provided the kick we were looking for, but next time we'll just use two. Our biggest fear was not having enough gravy and this indeed happened. In the end, there was no gravy. Maybe the potatoes soaked up what little liquid there was in the pot (the potatoes were great, by the way), but Ma puts potatoes in her adobo and there's always gravy. I'll have to find out how she maintains the liquids.
G stated "I'm pleased. But let's try again tomorrow." I, too, was pleased and proud of our first attempt. The flavor was definitely hoppin' in our adobo but we need to improve on the gravy and saltiness. Also, I found the chicken to be stringy, so we'll have to tweak our cooking method a bit (pan fry it alone after taking it out of the pot?). Nevertheless, we were proud of our adobo and I sense we'll be very possessive and protective of our version once we work out all the kinks. If you have any adobo stories, please share them below!
Our ingredients were:
- 4 big chicken thighs (bone-in, with skin)
- bay leaves
- oregano
- 5 cloves of garlic
- 4 banana peppers (yeah, I'll explain this later)
- 1 white creamer potato
- light soy sauce
- white vinegar
- apple cider vinegar
- whole peppercorns
- olive oil
We removed the skin from the thighs and attempted to brown them in oil. For some reason, the chicken was taking a while to get brown. Then we added the aromatics (garlic, peppercorns, bay leaves, oregano, banana peppers) and let that all cook a little together before adding in the liquids (vinegar mix and soy sauce). Then we added our cubed and skinned potato. Some may say nay to putting potatoes in adobo ("Adobo doesn't have potatoes in it") but my mom puts potatoes in her adobo and it's fantastic. Both G and I enjoy potatoes in our adobo, so in went the lone potato. At first, we just cut and added 2 banana peppers into the mix, but we had 2 left, and thinking "what would we do with those anyway?" we added the other 2. Total preparation took about 15 minutes.
Everything simmered in the pot for about 40 minutes, thighs being flipped about twice in that time (like tanning!). The house smelled great and just like it should - like adobo. We then encountered the dilemma that seems to be common when cooking adobo - should we add more vinegar and soy sauce? We noticed there was barely enough liquid in the pot to keep everything simmering and were concerned that there wouldn't be any gravy for our rice. We thought about adding broth, but decided to go with more soy and vinegar (which we decided made the adobo a little too salty).
When the chicken was obviously cooked and the potato chunks were tender, and with our stomachs empty, we decided it was done and time to eat. Back to those 4 banana peppers - our adobo was spicy! The peppers provided the kick we were looking for, but next time we'll just use two. Our biggest fear was not having enough gravy and this indeed happened. In the end, there was no gravy. Maybe the potatoes soaked up what little liquid there was in the pot (the potatoes were great, by the way), but Ma puts potatoes in her adobo and there's always gravy. I'll have to find out how she maintains the liquids.
G stated "I'm pleased. But let's try again tomorrow." I, too, was pleased and proud of our first attempt. The flavor was definitely hoppin' in our adobo but we need to improve on the gravy and saltiness. Also, I found the chicken to be stringy, so we'll have to tweak our cooking method a bit (pan fry it alone after taking it out of the pot?). Nevertheless, we were proud of our adobo and I sense we'll be very possessive and protective of our version once we work out all the kinks. If you have any adobo stories, please share them below!
spa world
G and I spent our Columbus Day holiday in Fairfax County, VA. We went to the best Whole Foods anywhere for a root beer float and cheap gelato. We also went to our happy place that is Wegmans for some much needed grocery shopping and tax- and tip-free dining. We finally tried Honey Pig and even discovered a new-to-us Korean market. But the headliner of the day was our partially-Groupon-funded visit to Spa World.
It was our first time, and despite studying the website, we still had no idea what to expect. We've spoken to friends about it and Spa Castle in Queens before, but these conversations were vague and a while ago. We went less prepared than we should have been. We went with no change of underwear, personal toiletries, flip flops (because the place doesn't enforce any 'no shoes/slippers' rules, as they apparently do at Spa Castle), or the right state of mind (that of a person mentally prepared for what they will soon experience and ready to relax in such an environment). I think our lack of mental preparation hindered our ability to completely allow ourselves to relax, unwind, abandon our inhibitions. I even had to ask a stranger whether or not she was wearing underwear under her compound suit (the facility provides you with a top and shorts).
Anyway, so we did get food massages - it was our first time trying reflexology. I was in need of a foot massage because of recent running-related soreness and was looking forward to getting over my fear of massages. It wasn't until after the massage started that I remembered Anthony Bourdain's comments about reflexology being a painful experience. I was not relaxed. My masseuse can attest to this. To get over the painful knuckling in my foot, I counted. The massaging of shin muscles did feel good, however, and provided some moments of reprieve. My feet did feel good post-massage, but my perpetual aches and pains returned by the end of the night.
We utilized a few of the sauna chambers and sweated a bit, alternating visits between the saunas and cold room. Not surprisingly, I did not see the relaxation in sitting in what I imagine being locked in a hot car would feel like.
So next was the issue of to bathe or not to bathe. There are bade pools in which one is required to be naked. I already knew upon arrival that I would not be partaking in the bathing (go ahead, call me a prude). G, on the other hand, was on the fence, until finally taking the plunge (pun totally intended) for a quick dip. I, in the meantime, was enjoying the best part of my Spa World experience - a cup of sikhye, or gamju or rice punch, from the juice bar.
We left after rice punch and bathing and changing back into our clothes. I'm still reeling from having to go to the bathroom barefoot. We both agreed that we don't have to return to Spa World and that perhaps the experience was hyped up in our minds. I'll give more thought about whether I'd be willing to try Spa Castle some day, as it does look way more cool, just by judging by the pictures on their site. My sentiment about spas still stands - I don't care for them.
(photo creds: Spa World)
It was our first time, and despite studying the website, we still had no idea what to expect. We've spoken to friends about it and Spa Castle in Queens before, but these conversations were vague and a while ago. We went less prepared than we should have been. We went with no change of underwear, personal toiletries, flip flops (because the place doesn't enforce any 'no shoes/slippers' rules, as they apparently do at Spa Castle), or the right state of mind (that of a person mentally prepared for what they will soon experience and ready to relax in such an environment). I think our lack of mental preparation hindered our ability to completely allow ourselves to relax, unwind, abandon our inhibitions. I even had to ask a stranger whether or not she was wearing underwear under her compound suit (the facility provides you with a top and shorts).
Anyway, so we did get food massages - it was our first time trying reflexology. I was in need of a foot massage because of recent running-related soreness and was looking forward to getting over my fear of massages. It wasn't until after the massage started that I remembered Anthony Bourdain's comments about reflexology being a painful experience. I was not relaxed. My masseuse can attest to this. To get over the painful knuckling in my foot, I counted. The massaging of shin muscles did feel good, however, and provided some moments of reprieve. My feet did feel good post-massage, but my perpetual aches and pains returned by the end of the night.
We utilized a few of the sauna chambers and sweated a bit, alternating visits between the saunas and cold room. Not surprisingly, I did not see the relaxation in sitting in what I imagine being locked in a hot car would feel like.
So next was the issue of to bathe or not to bathe. There are bade pools in which one is required to be naked. I already knew upon arrival that I would not be partaking in the bathing (go ahead, call me a prude). G, on the other hand, was on the fence, until finally taking the plunge (pun totally intended) for a quick dip. I, in the meantime, was enjoying the best part of my Spa World experience - a cup of sikhye, or gamju or rice punch, from the juice bar.
We left after rice punch and bathing and changing back into our clothes. I'm still reeling from having to go to the bathroom barefoot. We both agreed that we don't have to return to Spa World and that perhaps the experience was hyped up in our minds. I'll give more thought about whether I'd be willing to try Spa Castle some day, as it does look way more cool, just by judging by the pictures on their site. My sentiment about spas still stands - I don't care for them.
Sunday, October 09, 2011
new favorite national food day
Friday, October 07, 2011
what's new is old... (and alexa chung)
This is the best I've seen Alexa Chung look:
I guess I'm just not a big fan of her waifish, Big Love, nerdy hipster look that she's usually sporting, with or without designer pieces.
On other fashion talk, I'm still finding it hard to throw out many of my clothes that I haven't worn in the last year (isn't that the throw-out-if-not-recently-worn threshold?). Taking into consideration that I am currently wearing an orange pussy-bow blouse, and to repeat every intelligible soul out there, fashion repeats itself. I'm sure my mom had many a pussy-bow blouses. What if she had kept them? I wouldn't have had to spend the $9.95 at H&M for mine. Maybe it's because I'm mad old now, but when purchasing new items, be it boots, a bag, a new blouse, a jumpsuit, a pair of overalls, a pair of neon biker shorts, or some slouch socks, I think "this could really be an heirloom item." (Disclosure: I haven't actually bought the last 4 items I just listed...but jumpsuits and even overalls have made some sort of a comeback in that some prominant fashion bloggers have raved about them. Remember plaid flannel shirts, harem pants, ugly high-waisted pants, polyester, Keds, even my pussy-bow blouse, pumps (in the classic sense), tweed and floral prints? They've all come back. Even my grandma's orthopedic shoes and Chinatown-old-lady blouses and sweater jackets are enviable to a certain kind of fashionista...although those have been perennial favorites among the Chinatown paus.)
Anyway, so with each purchase as of late, I've been thinking of its heirloom potential. I guess I can apply this metric to weeding out clothes not worthy of staying in my dresser drawers and closet...maybe except for my race t-shirts and plaid tweed pants and silver baby-doll top, and....
Thursday, October 06, 2011
ben harper
How could I have missed this...just yesterday?!?! (For those of you who don't want to click on the link, he played at 9:30 Club.)
'yuns need to go
"...Mr. McConnell’s Republicans will filibuster any jobs bill, and Mr. Cantor’s will reject most of it." [NYTimes OpEd]
This in itself is despicable. We get it. The GOP wants the president to fail - but at the expense of those who gave them jobs (many of whom are unemployed themselves)? This is the only reason for their resistance to passing the president's proposed jobs bill. The bill is paid for! The bill proposes tax cuts! The bill proposes incentives for small businesses! Eeeeerrrggggggg
...but yes, I am biased. So I ask whoever wants to do a fact check on me - here's the Republican Jobs Bill Plan. Let me know if you see anything in there that doesn't jibe with the president's or that can't be combined to make the two plans complimentary to each other.
This in itself is despicable. We get it. The GOP wants the president to fail - but at the expense of those who gave them jobs (many of whom are unemployed themselves)? This is the only reason for their resistance to passing the president's proposed jobs bill. The bill is paid for! The bill proposes tax cuts! The bill proposes incentives for small businesses! Eeeeerrrggggggg
...but yes, I am biased. So I ask whoever wants to do a fact check on me - here's the Republican Jobs Bill Plan. Let me know if you see anything in there that doesn't jibe with the president's or that can't be combined to make the two plans complimentary to each other.
this weekend: taste of DC
Unfortunately, we'll be out of town and missing this year's Taste of DC (although I've never been to it any year).
If any of you lovely loyal and local readers go, leave a comment on how it was.
Wednesday, October 05, 2011
my current bests
This week's List is one of my current bests. Here we go:
...and there you have it! Some of my favorite things right now, therefore (obviously) making them the best there is out there.
- Best show on t.v. that's in its second season: Happy Endings (Wednesday nights, 930pm, ABC)
- Best new Trader Joe's product: Chocolate-covered potato chips
- Best Greek Deli special other than its Lent salmon platter: Roast Pork
- Best tea: Milk Oolong
- Best way to find a mover: CityMove
- Best movers: G & J Moving (or here)
- Best way to relieve tired feet after a run: rolling them on The Stick
- Best ice cream/gelato sandwich: Ciao Bella Gelato Squares in Belgian Chocolate S'mores
...and there you have it! Some of my favorite things right now, therefore (obviously) making them the best there is out there.
Tuesday, October 04, 2011
foggy bottom eats
I spent a good portion of my years in Foggy Bottom wishing there were more food options and for a real neighborhoody coffee shop to open up. I also traveled at great lengths to do my grocery shopping, that is, before the Trader Joes opened up. Now (since my moving to NYC and back), there is a new Whole Foods, Bobby Flay's Burger Palace, Founding Farmers, and I just read on Eater about two new places opening up in the last week: Burger, Tap & Shake and District Commons, both opened by Jeff Tunks of the Passion Food Hospitality Group. Although none of these new places excites me, they're additional food options for the neighborhood, nonetheless (hmmm...but the late night dinner at District Commons sounds like it may be worth a try).
As promised, here is a little blurb about the Toki Underground/Baohaus mashuppopup! First seen on Eater then on Eddie Huang's own blog, this event is one of pippopuphiphopchiggaunderbutkindofabovegroundculture proportions, bridging the foodtypesbutprobablymostlyHStreethipsters of DC with the outspokenfoodmediapersonalitybaoadvocatefromNYC that is Eddie Huang. I personally prefer the ramen at Ren's to Toki's, as well as the overall space (I was never one for the sceney places, and plus, they seem confused on what kind of ramen they serve...they've stated they serve Taiwanese ramen, but they market their tonkotsu soup, and a Japanese friend says the ramen is hardly hakata, meanwhile I can't even remember what I had - I think it was the curry one, but I remember tasting the classic one and it was only mildly tonkotsu-y), but the ounce of scenester in me is tickling to check this out, especially because I never went to Baohaus during my NYC years. Eddie Huang has been busy with his new location opening up in recent months and his first location closing last weekend, so it'll be interesting to see what he's been hustling.
On other food talk, last night we dined at Los Tios Grill, a Tex-Mex and Salvadoran restaurant in the Del Rey neighborhood of Alexandria, VA. We went to Del Rey intending on going to Cheestique but fortunately stumbled upon a butcher shop (!) and Los Tios (Cheesetique was closed). Although it still doesn't get close to our beloved Bogota, it'll do as an honorable DMV (yeah, I stole that from you, Eddie Huang) back-up. After a long search, we found a place that, like Bogota, served a sangria/margarita hybrid. Let's talk about this for a minute. Dubbed the sangrita at Bogota, this libation is as pleasing to the mouth as it is your eyes:

On other food talk, last night we dined at Los Tios Grill, a Tex-Mex and Salvadoran restaurant in the Del Rey neighborhood of Alexandria, VA. We went to Del Rey intending on going to Cheestique but fortunately stumbled upon a butcher shop (!) and Los Tios (Cheesetique was closed). Although it still doesn't get close to our beloved Bogota, it'll do as an honorable DMV (yeah, I stole that from you, Eddie Huang) back-up. After a long search, we found a place that, like Bogota, served a sangria/margarita hybrid. Let's talk about this for a minute. Dubbed the sangrita at Bogota, this libation is as pleasing to the mouth as it is your eyes:
(this pic is from my Foodspotting roll - see below left or go here)
Check out those orbs of frozen margarita suspended in rich red sangria. And here's the sangria margarita from Los Tios:
(this pic is also from my Foodspotting roll)
It looks similar, but they use a frozen sangria as well, so it's one big frozen drink (think frozen swirl margaritas at Lauriol Plaza). The drinks at Los Tios are humongous - this was a small! The large is over 20 ounces! Anyway, so although we still prefer the sangrita to the sangria margarita, taste and texture-wise, it's the closest thing we have here in the DC area to Bogota's sangrita. We'll take it. As for the food, delicioso and cheap. I had the mojarra frita...
...and G had the lomo saltado.
Our meals were tasty and good-sized and were complimented well with their 'special hot sauce' that reminded me of the spicy green mayo sauce served at El Pollo Rico. My fish was marinated and fried, making it tastier than just a fried fish, which in itself is the tastiest fried thing ever. G's lomo saltado was good too, with flavors that tasted a little Chinese to me, but I couldn't put my finger on what exactly made it taste Chinesey.
Our waitress was super-attentive and friendly (she went out of her way to warn me that my fish came with the head on, to which I replied "That's good," to which she displayed a look of approval, further explaining that she states that fact because there are some people who are put off with the head, to which I thought "Those people need to die"). The rest of the waitstaff were similarly friendly and helpful.
Oh - we also had their tres leches for dessert (how can you not, what with it on the menu, and eating it everywhere it's offered, and especially with G across the table?), which was huge too. It was soaked satisfactorily, but after you've had Oyamel's, it's hard to come close to such high expectations. All in all, a truly pleasant and satiating dining experience that garnered many return visits. Not bad for a Monday night.
Monday, October 03, 2011
...annddd we're back. Sorry, folks, for being silent for a few days. Had to readjust my life and move into a whole different state! It's amazing how much space clothes, shoes, bags, and coats occupy! ...and it's all really heavy. Anyway, I missed talking about fashion on Friday, so here's a quick post about some of my current wish list items - here's some high-brow low-brow action for you:
(photo cred: Celine)
I've been eyeing this classic Celine flap bag for quite a while now. Shown here in vernice black, it's so versatile, but also check out the wonderfully warm and equally versatile winter colors here. This bag is classically classic classy.
Also Celine is this gorgeously gorgeous trapeze bag. Right? I know. Just so refined and modern.
(photo cred: Celine)
I don't know why I just don't order these already since they're on sale - the Fioni-brand Tenley lace-up bootie from Payless. They're perfect for fall.
(photo cred: Payless)
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