Now that it's May, warm weather has officially arrived (because 70+ degree weather in February just isn't right). When the temperatures rise, so does the number of offensive feet flopping around in equally offensive footwear. Yes, I am referring to the flip flop.
I am not denying that I have owned and worn a good number of flip flops in my life (I would guess about 7 pairs). It started in college, which was inevitable, being in Southern California, but not just Southern California but the deep armpit of the state, in the oftentimes hellishly dry and hot Inland Empire. As my first pair wore down, I got another, and another. They would differ in style, from rubber, to fancier leather, from skinny thong to wide (remember when they were called thongs?). Skipping ahead, I find myself currently owning 3 pairs - one pair of Havaianas and 2 pairs of throw-away Old Navy ones (one pair for the pool and one pair that serves as travel hotel slippers). Although my Havaianas are still completely wearable, I reserve those for quick trips to the trash chute, if even that.
If you like the rubber sole of a flip flop, try these Havaiana espadrilles! They come in this classic style (left), or in a more feminine ballerina style with a little less coverage on top (right).
I'm starting to think it's kind of silly for me to keep showing alternatives, because there are literally thousands of them out there. Zappos even allows you to search sandals by styles including thong, slide, Euro...among others, which is many more style options than any other shoe site I've seen. Personally, I'd love almost one of each of the sandals featured in Piperlime's summer sandal guide (save for the pink ones, thong ones, toe-loop ones and some of the sky-high wedge ones).
So hopefully, I've made my point. If not, another argument against flip flops is that they make driving difficult, if not dangerous. They get stuck under the pedal.
Gross. Especially on men. In restaurants. Super gross.
Looking at this picture is grossing me out.
I am not denying that I have owned and worn a good number of flip flops in my life (I would guess about 7 pairs). It started in college, which was inevitable, being in Southern California, but not just Southern California but the deep armpit of the state, in the oftentimes hellishly dry and hot Inland Empire. As my first pair wore down, I got another, and another. They would differ in style, from rubber, to fancier leather, from skinny thong to wide (remember when they were called thongs?). Skipping ahead, I find myself currently owning 3 pairs - one pair of Havaianas and 2 pairs of throw-away Old Navy ones (one pair for the pool and one pair that serves as travel hotel slippers). Although my Havaianas are still completely wearable, I reserve those for quick trips to the trash chute, if even that.
With the rising popularity and diversity of sandals (I don't remember this large a variety in my earlier years), there are so many alternatives to the sloppy, loud and often inappropriate flip flop. Just the other day, I saw more women wearing flip flops than weren't on my way to work. Not only are there alternatives, but it was raining! It baffles me why so many people insist on wearing inappropriate footwear in inclement weather. Not only is the flip flop a political faux pas, but also a fashion faux pas. Anyway, here are some examples of flip flop alternatives that are probably as comfortable, if not more, than flip flops. They definitely look better.
These are from Target. Chic and cheap.
These are available on Piperlime. Super fun color and buckles, but not as cheap.

I'm not that big a fan of the actual thong part of a sandal, but maybe you are. How about something like this?
I'm starting to think it's kind of silly for me to keep showing alternatives, because there are literally thousands of them out there. Zappos even allows you to search sandals by styles including thong, slide, Euro...among others, which is many more style options than any other shoe site I've seen. Personally, I'd love almost one of each of the sandals featured in Piperlime's summer sandal guide (save for the pink ones, thong ones, toe-loop ones and some of the sky-high wedge ones).
So hopefully, I've made my point. If not, another argument against flip flops is that they make driving difficult, if not dangerous. They get stuck under the pedal.
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