I'm not sure what's worse, this or the flip flop. Seriously? Sneakers with your work clothes? But there are so many alternatives! Have you seriously given up? Have you tried flats? Brogues? What about Keds?? Even some Chucks would be tolerable! It's incredible how hard it is to find a decent picture of this faux pas online, especially when I see more women committing this eyesore of a fashion crime than not (this is, of course, when they're not wearing flip flops). There isn't even a lot of written material on this faux pas, though I did find this blog post on the topic, and it did make the #3 spot on this Glamour list of do's and don'ts on, funny enough, District style, with which I completely agree: "'Are you kidding? Unless you had to jog to work on the Beltway, sneakers and business attire are a DON'T to end all DON'Ts.'"
(photo cred: Glamour via MSN)
Aww. Look how happy that lady on the right is.
How in the world did this pairing become a normal thing to do? Why, when I wear my brogues, ankle boots or Chucks, do I get more crooked looks at my feet than someone wearing a pair of Saucony stability running shoes? Why don't men wear Jordan's with their slacks or suits? And if they did, wouldn't that warrant a strange look? I'd bet yes. How is it, then, normal when a woman pairs some dirty gym shoes with a skirt and blouse? And why, more often than not, are these sneakers white? My own running shoes that see about 20 miles a week (a little less the past couple of weeks), aren't even white. They're purple. I digress.
I understand some may be wearing them in
transit, on the way to or from work, and that they may change into fab
heels or other less comfortable shoes once they arrive at their destination. But still. Not a good look. I'm just having a hard time comprehending how this is awful look doesn't turn heads, and why women insist on wearing sneakers when so many alternatives exist. Allow me to show a few:
I just saw a woman wearing these at work, and when paired with cute striped socks and office pants, they're pretty cute...and I hear they're comfortable. All the doctors running around in them are enough of a testament to their comfort for me.
I couldn't sign off without a plug for ankle boots. My mom is amused by my recent love of them, as am I because I can't believe I didn't take to them until fairly recently. These would make fantastic alternatives to just about any of your business casual looks.
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