"I suppose there are people who can pass up free guacamole, but they're either allergic to avocado or too joyless to live."— Frank Bruni

Saturday, November 19, 2011

two birds with ...

If anyone noticed, I've been behind on my posts this week. I have no real reason, but with increasing my running mileage to 20 miles a week, an increased workload at well, work, and general vitamin-D-deficiency-brought-on-by-the-shorter-days blahs, I can only offer excuses.

So to make up for missed Toothsome Tuesday and List Wednesday posts, here's a list of food-related items.
  • The Pepin/Richard lunch has been cancelled. I was sad to have received a phone call from Citronelle informing me that the event was cancelled. Naturally, I went online to find out why. It turns out Jacques Pepin had to get a hip replacement. Good enough reason, but I'm sad nonetheless.
  • BVBC met up! I'm way behind on writing up a post-brunch review but it was great to see everyone, and I'll work on getting the post up soon.
  • I'd like to say that I'm behind on my Toothsome Tuesday posts because I'm too busy reading my new issue of Lucky Peach, but that's not even true (though I wish it were). Anyway, Issue 2 has arrived (!) and I'm excited to find time to read it. I've even sealed in the next year's worth of issues and splurged on a subscription (that was discounted 40%) that starts with Issue 3. Goodbye, newsstand price!
  • Komi's sister restaurant, the Thai joint named Little Serow, has opened at last and I'm curious to try it, but am reluctant to go there before experiencing the heralded cuisine of Komi first. Not sure why I'm treating it as if I was watching a book-based movie before reading the book, or watching a sequel before watching its predecessor, but I feel like Komi should come first. Although from a cost perspective, it may be good to start with the lower price point of Little Serow and work my way up...like the Jeffersons.
  • I'd like to go to the new Dominique Ansel bakery in NY. They have kouign-amanns. 

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