"I suppose there are people who can pass up free guacamole, but they're either allergic to avocado or too joyless to live."— Frank Bruni

Friday, October 07, 2011

what's new is old... (and alexa chung)

This is the best I've seen Alexa Chung look:

Alexa Chung
(photo cred: Getty Images/Instyle)

I guess I'm just not a big fan of her waifish, Big Love, nerdy hipster look that she's usually sporting, with or without designer pieces.

On other fashion talk, I'm still finding it hard to throw out many of my clothes that I haven't worn in the last year (isn't that the throw-out-if-not-recently-worn threshold?). Taking into consideration that I am currently wearing an orange pussy-bow blouse, and to repeat every intelligible soul out there, fashion repeats itself. I'm sure my mom had many a pussy-bow blouses. What if she had kept them? I wouldn't have had to spend the $9.95 at H&M for mine. Maybe it's because I'm mad old now, but when purchasing new items, be it boots, a bag, a new blouse, a jumpsuit, a pair of overalls, a pair of neon biker shorts, or some slouch socks, I think "this could really be an heirloom item." (Disclosure: I haven't actually bought the last 4 items I just listed...but jumpsuits and even overalls have made some sort of a comeback in that some prominant fashion bloggers have raved about them. Remember plaid flannel shirts, harem pants, ugly high-waisted pants, polyester, Keds, even my pussy-bow blouse, pumps (in the classic sense), tweed and floral prints? They've all come back. Even my grandma's orthopedic shoes and Chinatown-old-lady blouses and sweater jackets are enviable to a certain kind of fashionista...although those have been perennial favorites among the Chinatown paus.)

Anyway, so with each purchase as of late, I've been thinking of its heirloom potential. I guess I can apply this metric to weeding out clothes not worthy of staying in my dresser drawers and closet...maybe except for my race t-shirts and plaid tweed pants and silver baby-doll top, and....

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